Wild American Shilajit is truly unique.
This special and rare mineral supplement is refined from a fulvic acid rich Mineral Pitch wildcrafted from pristine mountains in North America. Handmade in small batches and expertly purified, our Wild American Shilajit provides a unique spectrum of natural ionic minerals, triterpenes, antioxidants, and other micronutrients in a super bioavailable form. Our fully water-soluble & nutrient-dense formula is a supreme longevity tonic offering 22% Fulvic Acid and trace minerals in a highly bioavailable form. We proudly use low temperature processing methods, ultra-fine purification, and independent batch testing to ensure ultimate purity and integrity.
Certificates of Analysis are available so that you can confidently enjoy the pure and potent quality of this natural wonder.
Our Wild American Shilajit is available in a traditional concentrated Mineral Resin form as well as an aqueous Mineral Solution blended into pure spring water for ease of use.
Mineral Resin
༄ Resinous honey-like consistency
༄No expiration date
༄Violet glass jar, disc liner
༄ 5g or 10g jars
༄Available in bulk
༄Also available in powdered form(made to order upon request)